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The next Bartender Secrets Mastermind is still in the planning stages. If you want to be notified when the registration page goes live, please enter your name and email address, and then submit the form below.

Message From The CEO

"My plan with this 7-week Mastermind is for you to come out the other end unrecognizable from who you were before you signed up. I'm going to absolutely punish that part of you that is okay with being part of the status quo, and show you how to use Bar Industry Entrepreneurship to create life that you can't even dream about right now. I can fully guarantee that this Mastermind will change not only the way you think about your entire future, but also why you even exist in the first place." -Brandon Boswell 

Bar Industry Entrepreneurship Is Your Golden Key To Success...
When you learn how to treat your job like a business... your life will change faster than you EVER thought possible!!!

Brandon Boswell, CEO

Brandon is the Founder and Chief Everything Officer of Drunk Passion, focused on turning bartenders into social impact entrepreneurs.
  • Learn How To Make More Money: The SECRET tips and tricks you will never learn behind the bar!!!
  • Learn How To Attract Better Customers: Marketing made EASY through Bar Industry Entrepreneurship!!!
  • Learn How To Get A Better Job: And then learn when to quit that job and GET A NEW ONE!!!

"The bar industry is by far one of the BEST training grounds for anyone who is aspiring to become an Entrepreneur."

- Brandon Boswell

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